Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


The VisAGeS team and the Neurinfo platform integrated the Biogenouest "Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)" in 2012.

Biogenouest is a Western France life science and environment core facility network. Research programmes are undertaken in the fields of Marine biology, Agriculture/Food-processing, Human health, and Bioinformatics. Set up in keeping with the inter-regional principle of complementarity, Biogenouest coordinates over twenty technological core facilities in both the Brittany and Pays de la Loire regions.

COREC projects

COREC is the "COmité de REcherche Clinique" of the University Hospital of Rennes. This comity proposes an annual project funding in the limit of 30k€ per project. In 2014, the Neurinfo platform as an incitative action for clinical research project emergence accompanied the COREC call by financially supporting the imaging part of the projects up to 50 MRI hours, i.e. 30k€. Two projects including brain MRI were selected. The EPMR-MA project led by the neuropsychologist Pierre-Yves Jonin, and co-funded by Fondation de l'avenir in 2014, will evaluate memory effects in healthy adults and in patients presenting cognitive impairments using BOLD fMRI, ASL and Diffusion MRI. The second project is a complementary funding for the project led by Dr Fabienne Pelé (see below).

Projet Fondation de France : PERINE

Participants : Elise Bannier, Isabelle Corouge, Olivier Commowick, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot.

This study evaluates the effect of prenatal exposure to neurotoxicants on the developing brain. Following previous studies in the PELAGIE cohort this MRI study involves ASL, Diffusion and working memory as well as motor inhibition BOLD fMRI together with neuropsychological tests in children. Inclusions have started in November 2014 and will continue over 2 years.

Fondation de l'Avenir - Depression, suicide and fMRI

Participants : Elise Bannier, Isabelle Corouge, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot.

initial duration: 12 months from November 2012. Project extended in 2014.

In collaboration with EA 4712 "Comportement et Noyaux Gris Centraux" of the University of Rennes I, a complementary funding (20 000€) was obtained to support an ongoing fMRI research project on emotions, impulsivity and suicide. The study protocol and the fMRI task was finalized. Inclusions started in early 2013. The project was extended in 2014 to recruit more patients.

Fondation de l'Avenir - Stroke, rehabilitation and fMRI

Participants : Elise Bannier, Isabelle Bonan, Isabelle Corouge, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot, Jean-Yves Gauvrit.

duration: 12 months from November 2012. Project extended in 2014.

A complementary funding (20 000€) was obtained to support a new research project on rehabilitation of stroke patients. The fMRI protocol was setup, the task developed and validation on volunteers is ongoing. Patient inclusions started in spring 2013. This project was also extended to 2014 to recruit more patients. Group analysis on the control group was performed and a paper will be submitted soon.